Built Specifically for AEC Firms

Power Up your Team with an AI Proposal Writing Assistant

Increase billable time, reduce proposal costs and win more work. We help you leverage the latest AI models trained specifically for engineering proposals.

Join other leading infrastructure designers on Equator

The old way of creating engineering proposals…

“Equator LDI saves me days searching through background regulations and design manuals when preparing a scope of work”
Tom Jones, P.E. W.T. Jones & Associates, Principal


Writing compelling, competitive, and unique proposals from scratch is extremely time consuming.


Digging through file folders, copying and pasting text, and populating new proposals is the norm.


Proposal prep time cuts into project margins and takes focus away from meeting billable targets.

Now, create proposal drafts in minutes with AI…

43% of engineering consultants say wasting billable time is the most painful part of the proposal process, based on a recent survey by Equator.

Lightning Fast

Populate proposal templates, with the specific RFP requirements in minutes.

AI Powered

Create compelling proposals that are on brand, and highlight your firm’s unique capabilities with custom training data (aka your firm’s past proposals).

A Fraction of the Cost

Complete proposal drafts in 1/10 of the time it used to take, resulting in more billable time and higher margins.

See Equator LDI in Action!