Take your Topo from Good to Great

Instantly find, extract and share topographic data online.

Equator is the quickest way to access on-demand LiDAR topographic data.

Topography contours farm field Equator mapping softwareTopography contours farm field in Equator mapping software

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Vancouver LiDAR Point Cloud

Find your next survey points here. Billions, and billions of them.

Access lidar surveys from all over the world. Upload your own data from laz, shapefile, or other popular formats. Check out our extensive library of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs).

No more waiting for survey data

Start your design or analysis right from the kick-off. Equator provides direct access to centimeters of accuracy at home or in the office. Create sketches and markups in Equator, and export topographic data for use in other CAD/GIS platforms.

3D topography and contours in Equator mapping software, Scarborough, Ontario
Bridge cross section from 3D topography in Equator mapping software

Visualize your site from a new perspective.

Cut cross sections from the topography in real-time. Simply toggle between data layers. Check out your site from hundreds of vantage points.

Create competitive pricing proposals

Use Equator to cut the cost of ground-based topographic surveys.  Identify risks,  opportunities and workplans based on the best available data to show your client you have done your homework!

Screenshot of Civil3D showing a park in Toronto

Generate base plans in a few clicks

Extract contours in the resolution of your choice. Layer on imagery, markups and other notes. Share you base plans with team members in Equator online instantly, or export to other CAD/GIS software.

Highest Resolution Digital Elevation Models Available Online

Extract digital elevation models at the highest resolution available, using public lidar data.

Rapid Figure Generation

Create figures on the fly. Choose from ready-to-use templates for your next project, or create your own.

Drag and drop to add your own data

Want to layer more data onto the topographic map surface, no problem! Simply drag and drop your files into Equator.

“We previously would request LIDAR/contour information from one person who was experienced in downloading the files. With Equator, it is accessible to everyone.”


We Fit in Perfectly

Equator was created by Engineers, so we know you how you work, who you work with and the tools you use. We’ve made it easy to integrate into your current workflow and get up-and-running in minutes.

  • Extract topographic data in minutes

  • Integrate with Civil 3D, ArcGIS, and Google Earth data formats

  • Specify the desired resolution output

  • Easily export markups and notes to Civil 3D, ArcGIS, and Google Earth

  • No setup required – Equator is a web based platform

  • Our team is here to help, anytime you need!

Include Equator in your Next Proposal

Working on a new proposal? Equator helps civil engineering firms increase their technical scores and standout from their competition. We will gladly send you free custom resources to help you come out on top!

Book a Demo Today

Find out how you can view and extract topographic data in minutes.