Wichita Topographic Map

The most detailed topographic map of Wichita.

Locate, create and collaborate on high-resolution topographic maps using Equator.

wichita topographic map
wichita topographic map

Topographic Maps for Professionals

Wichita topographic maps are used by infrastructure design professionals such as:

  • Flood Analysts
  • Planners
  • Construction Professionals
  • Architects
  • Civil Engineers
  • Landscape Designers

Topographic map features.

The Wichita topographic map can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Cutting cross sections on the fly
  • Viewing 3D surfaces from built-in LiDAR
  • Extracting elevation data
  • Generating contours
  • Creating markups, labels and figures
  • Sourcing and view LiDAR point clouds
  • Link sharing data
wichita topographic map
wichita topographic map

Where does Equator get the topographic data from?

Equator’s data is sourced from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and their 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). You can read more about the 3DEP here.

Wichita elevation data is sourced from a library of airborne LiDAR surveys and is connected to Equator for ease of access.

Extracting contours in Equator.

Contours can be extracted from the Wichita topographic map at the resolution of your choosing.

Contours can be exported to a variety of formats including shapefile (.shp) and drawing (.dxf).

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are also available.

Screenshot of Civil3D showing a park in Toronto

How do I bring contours into Civil 3D?

Contours can be opened in AutoDesk Civil3D (or similar) simply by opening an dxf file or shapefile exported from Equator. This tutorial explains how to create a 3D surface in Civil 3D directly from a shapefile.

Why should I use Equator to access Wichita Topography?

Equator allows users to access local LiDAR surveys to the best available resolution.  Experience 3D topography in high-resolution, unlike ever before.

  • Revolutionary 3D platform for viewing data

  • Most detailed online map of Wichita topography, accessible on a globe

  • Easily extract the data you need