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Automatic digitization of land features using AI

Transform aerial imagery into geospatial vector files in minutes!

Join other leading infrastructure designers on Equator

Manually digitizing by hand…

Civil Engineer

“I used to have to take a screenshot and trace over the data to get it into CAD. It was very frustrating!”

Zac Puckett, Civil Engineer


Time-consuming and laborious, digitizing maps manually requires tracing and recording coordinates.


With specialized equipment and skilled operators needed, manually digitizing maps is costly.


Prone to errors, digitizing by hand could result in missing details and spatial inaccuracies.

Working with the Equator AI Land Cover Digitizer…

Save time, costs and maintain accuracy with the AI Land Cover Digitizer.


Convert manual designs into virtual projects quickly and efficiently with Equator’s new AI Digitizer tool.


Instead of expensive, specialized equipment, simply use this tool for your digitization needs.


Using an AI model, this new tool has a stability score threshold that measures accuracy and promotes transparency.

How it Works

Step 1: Setup Your Site

Find your area of interest and create a New Site. Select the AI Digitizer tool.

Step 2: Run AI Land Cover Digitizer

Place green points on areas you want included, and red on areas you don’t want included

Step 3: Download Data

Download your digitized area as a shapefile. Choose desired projection if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CAD digitization?

CAD digitization is the process by which physical or manual designs are converted into a digital format using CAD software.

What is the Equator AI Digitizer?

Equator’s AI Digitizer is a tool that allows users to automatically digitize their site. Using an AI model, this tool allows users to instantly select land features and integrate data in a way that is both cost-effective and quick. 

Can Equator Digitize Contours?

Equator offers tools to help you convert existing public LiDAR and digital elevation data into contours, DEMs, 3D print files and more. The AI Digitizer helps you add geospatial layers to your topography maps.

How are civil engineers benefiting from the Equator AI Digitizer?  

Equator’s AI Digitizer allows civil engineers to digitize their physical design and segment their maps quickly. With a click, they can now customize their focus on specific features within their site. This tool not only increases efficiency, but also prioritizes detail-driven work.

Equator is a collaborative mapping software that makes designing the future easy. With thousands of built-in data sets, Equator is a one-stop shop for civil engineers, architects, urban planners and more to sculpt landscapes in vivid 3D within minutes.

The beta version of the AI Digitizer is included in all subscription levels of Equator.

AutoCAD allows users to digitize their maps by slowly tracing over features with lines, polygons, circles and more. Equator provides similar results using the new AI Digitizer tool, while taking significantly less effort and time.

ArcGIS or QGIS can be used to digitize physical maps or designs by streaming, racing and freehand drawing. It also offers automatic vectorization, which requires users to process raster data prior to vectorization. In comparison, Equator’s new AI Digitizer tool can accurately produce similar results with no processing time at all.

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